Friday, December 26, 2014

Without title

I keep myself busy, but when I do rest
You're a frequent visitor in my head
Vivid thoughts are rushing to the time
When you were all only but mine

There is no need to connect via the net
When there is a more sophisticated web
Such deep connection is always there
No need to talk, it will always be there


A Normal Christmas

‎Since I woke up,
I kept myself busy,
cooking, baking, and working a bit.
Luckily no quarrel,
TV switched off,
we were all together,
complementing each other's task...
Like a normal family.
It is just as Christmas should be.
Full of love, calmness and peace.
It was always like that
All these past years
Mother, daughter and son
It was all great until my father has slept.
The moment he woke up,
arguments started,
slap in the face and shouting,
and plates were flying
I wished I would be somewhere else.
Anywhere else
rather alone than in this family.
But now it is different.
It is as Christmas should be.
Full of love, calmness and peace.
Only my mother is missing.
Life can be so weird.
Her departure arranged for what she was wishing...

Végső búcsú

Nyúlnék a kezed után
De koporsó takarja immár
Lefedték a sírhantot
S a felhők kiengedték a napot

Mosolyra fordul a szám
Őrangyalom mosolyogva néz le rám
Az életem kaptam Tőled
És még annál sokkal, de sokkal többet

Szereteted növesztett nagyra
Miattad nézek boldogan a napra



Mit nyafogsz?
Az apámtól csak ennyit kapok
S inkább a szobámba rohanok

Nem csodálom ám
Hogy más világba vágyakoztál

Fejezd már be!
Hallatszik fel.
Semmivel sem jobb, mint egy hisztis gyerek...

Váljál már el!
Könyörögtem sokszor Neked
Te maradtál, s lám, ez lett a végzeted


Cím nélkül

Magamba folytom bánatom
Ha szívem neked megnyitom
Ne félj, veled mindenem megosztom
Hogy te ezt tedd, én nem varoom

Boldogságom, bosszúságom
Örömöm és bánatom
Váltakoznak folyton
Mint vonatok a peronon


"There were no two hearts so open"

"There were no two hearts so open 
No feelings so in unison"
‎Just like in Persuasion
It was all mere perfection 

‎A mixture of all that is good 
The deepest edges of all that was spoken
The tenderness of every touch
The joyous moments of making love

‎Every time I looked in your eye
I touched your soul, and you touched mine 
We were all along connected 
But now I see the reason why

One look is enough
And I know you feel the same 
You understand what I say 
And even what I don't say

I opened my heart to you 
there were no more walls
‎I told you things from the depth of my soul 
I guess, no one could get any closer

‎You touched my soul 
and you touched my heart 
Few exchange of hugs
But this is all that we've got

A note brought me back to reality
Dreams are just pure vanity
You live your life and I live mine
And those cross only once in a while

But there is a different dimension
Where our souls get in connection
And that is not a mere illusion
But a real, long lasting collusion