Wednesday, February 18, 2015

on intimate communion

While preparing for my exams i read two david deida books. On one hand, his development theory was part of my studies, on the other hand i spent far more time with the development stages of relationships than that of the ego. I was obviously fascinated by deida's work. 

It all started the first time i heard his name and his theory. i need to admit i was tired, and tipsy, sitting in the classroom, lost my attention long ago - hearing Freud's psychosexual development theory the dozen's time after a long night coupled with a good quantity of drink, one might understand, i was lost. But there did it come. The lecturer started talking about the kind of intimacy i recently got a glimpse of, that deida researched and wrote several books about. i got wide awake, completely focused, although i am still curious where the source of energy might have been as i was on reserve battery. I knew that i want to learn more about this thing that deida calls intimate communion. 

I shared my fascination with a good friend of mine, who coincidentally, just ordered one of deida's books. the next day i followed her, and ordered some books written by david deida that seemed interesting to me. now i will share some of his thoughts as well as my own.

on the first page deida clearly states that his books are for men and women who enjoy tangled bodies, open hearts and enlightened minds. this is exactly what i am looking for. this book is clearly FOR ME!

Many of us have experienced "old-style" relationships based on roles of male control and female giving - even if not in our own lives, but in our parent's life we can see this relationship based on mutual dependency, when the man is dependent on the woman emotionally and sexually, while the woman is dependent on the material level.

Most of the people i know have found such relationships evil and wanted something different. Their willingness resulted in the complete opposite of dependence: complete independence - whether single or in a relationship. "Modern style" intimacies are based on independence and fairness. But these 50/50 relationships lack passion. It might feel like two buddies discussing, instead of passionately loving.

But these are not the only options! There is something beyond 50/50, what deida calls intimate communion. it can be experienced when two lovers surrender their boundaries and melt into a single body of passion, they are anything but "in control".

If you are willing to give your true gift and express your true desires, you can create perfect intimacy, moment by moment. This kind of intimacy is something you do, not something you have. It is an on-going practice of sexual union, emotional openness and spiritual trust. It is a practice of love. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

sometimes i feel lost

why are you so cruel to me?
you showed me real intimacy
but with a man who is out of my reach
romance is gone in less than six weeks

my friends planned to comfort me in my grief
with my soulmate i wanted to meet
and then you realize his dream
taking him away on the exact same week

why is it now?
why cant you wait?
you took my mother
and now even my soulmate

screw you!
why cant you be nice to me
once a little more delicacy
just a little bit of harmony

why you have to take him now? why cant you wait?
but thats what i ask with my selfish mind
i am happy for him with all my heart
he deserves it more than anyone i know

sometimes i feel lost
i am tired and i would give up
it would be easy but i still move on
i long to feel comforted and loved
i wanna surrender in a loving hug


once you surrender

once you surrender
once you arrive in the present
love flows through you
then you become a means of life

when there is attachment
your head is full of thoughts
you are not even aware of what is happening in the moment
you own a living body but you are not living in it

it might be the simplest thing
though for many it's the hardest
to surrender to life
you need to give up all attachment

thoughts, patterns, ideas
creations of the past
your mind is full of dead thoughts
and that makes you dead too

once you surrender
you just started living
you flow with the current of life
and your life will unfold with ease and grace


Monday, February 2, 2015

I am blessed for ever having met you

I am blessed since I met my soul mate
I don't cling to you, I let you fly
Our lives cross once in a while
And a thought of you makes me smile

You are a mirror, I see myself better through you
You are my diary, I open my soul to you solely
Although it takes long till I let anyone step in
Through you I am more completely me

You are always there to support me, when I need it most
You understand my feelings even without saying a word
Without seeing my face, or hearing my voice
You just know what is happening deep in my void

I am blessed for ever having met you
I cannot say enough: Thank you!


I would want a mature man

I would want a mature man
who knows his mind and knows his heart
who allows feelings whether they are positive or negative
who has boundaries, but is ready to diminish them, at least for me
who loves to travel the world and get to know new places

I would want a mature man
who is capable of commitment
who can show his feelings, even if it makes him vulnerable
who would never suppress his thought even if those hurt
who has his own values but is ready to open for new ideas

I would want a mature man
who can make tough decisions
who can dream and make all to achieve those
who has a mission, but who can admit if his goals cannot be achieved
who is strong and can take responsibility for what he did and what he didn't do

I would want a mature man
who can be pragmatic and who doesn't bullshit
who can give up when that's the best
who is courageous enough to take the risks
who can make decisions even when they are tough

I would want a mature man
who can be rational but also emotional
who has an artistic part and dares to live that
who sets his power to make his dreams come true
who exchanges his dreams for reality

I would want a mature man
who is closed to spirituality
who is ready to open his soul to me
who can accept my open heart and let me love him
who doesn't suppress his heart and opens to love

I would want a mature man
who gives me direction without any suppression
who accepts my love and diminishes my boundaries
who provides me safety but doesn't take my freedom
who makes me a goddess and reigns as a king
