Monday, May 11, 2020

Actor's on the soul's stage - avagy kozmikus léprecsalás

There is a beautiful Hungarian expression, “kozmikus léprecsalás”, for which I didnt find a literal translation to English but would be closed to “cosmic fraud”, though it is not really bringing the real meaning. But I wanna talk about this cosmic energy that pulls people together for spiritual learning.

You may have experienced during your life that with certain people there is an unexplainable level of attraction that pulls you two together. Sometimes, as quickly as the attraction came, it also disappears, as if it were for the click of a switch. You may experience a strong infatuation that doesn’t die out until you merge completely, whether physically, emotionally or energetically. You are just drawn to that soul, as your souls planned on that encounter way before you got in physical proximity. You may experience numerous dejavus, feel as though you knew the person for long, as if for years, if not lifetimes. You share the deepest parts of your experience, your sorrow, your pain and your pleasure. And as the connection came, it disappears without any warning. Gone from a moment to the other, as if it had been a dream and not reality. Whereas it is totally real, and especially the learnings such an experience can bring will last with you forever.

I do believe that each and every encounter happens for a reason to teach you a specific lesson. There are times that this pull is extremely intense. There is a soul contract that plays out with the purpose to learn a lesson on a deep soul level for both involved. It is great if both people are aware and learn the lesson. But we cannot push the other person to see the lesson, we cannot teach them by explaining things or pushing them to learn along with us, they either face it or not. It is part of the free will for every human being to decide on their own experiences.

There is a divine play on the stage of our lives. People come and go. As the actors can be replaced. We tend to focus on the person in front of us, whereas what really matters is the lesson that our soul intended to learn through these encounters. If we focus on the inner meaning, instead of the outer circumstances, it is so much easier not to take things personally. To get out of the victim mentality. To surrender to the situations and go with the flow. That is an ultimate spiritual goal.

People come and go. One person leaves the stage to leave place for other people to get on stage. In order to focus on one person, we tend to be drawn to them with intense attraction. That’s the universe’s way to pull you in to teach you a lesson. Once the lesson is learned or you made a decision, the attraction evaporates, and you can let go of the connection completely.

Sometimes we might have imaginary pictures that go far beyond reality. And that’s to pull you to experience and learn. Through being emotionally touched, we can go deeper in our learning than we would without feelings being involved. People stay with you for different amount of time. It can be five minutes, five hours, five weeks, five years or five decades. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter, is the lesson. The actors are replaceable, nevertheless.

Everyone in the outer reality is just an actor to bring you experiences that contribute to the lesson your soul intended to learn in this lifetime. Whether you learn that lesson is up to you. Oftentimes we blame others for things they are doing to us. Whereas is was always us.

The actors could be blamed. But it is the soul who is directing their actions and words. Whatever we experience, it has been planned out by the soul, by our own soul. As such there is nothing we could blame anyone else for. It was always about us. Our choices. Our own journey. Our own learning. Others agreed to help our learning, in whichever way. Whether playing a nice role or an ugly one. They were just acting out the role we gave to them. Therefore, either blame or praise is not to be given to other people. They are only actors. As after a modern performance, it is the director who is getting the biggest applause.

This is really the way to claim back my life. No more victim mentality. I really own my own creation. I am the director of my life. And the actors might come and go. That is completely normal. Part of the game. And there is no blame.