Tuesday, May 29, 2012

even a scratch has huge impact on both particles' path

Last week I had a chance to visit CERN and participated on a three-hour-guided tour. I am not at all particle physicist, therefore many things were like chinese for me. They accelerate the particles, generate collusion between them and analyze how they behave...

I was exhausted by the demanding week, so did not capture things in detail, but still part of the explanations captured my attention and somehow I connected with my life, my experience.

Two beams both consisting of a million particles are sent from opposite directions and only c twenty collusions happen. So there is only a little chance that a little particle would collude with another one. Oftentimes two particles' collusion means only a scratch. Still they have an impact on each other's path, and both particles differ from their original direction. The exact same thing happens on the larger scale. We each of us compound of millions of particles; we human beings are small particles in the universe.

Certain people may come into your life and be present only for a short period, still may have an enormous effect on your life. It is not the length of time you spend together that makes an encounter important. You may meet up in a bar, talk for 5min only, still click on each other and have a deep conversation, touching certain points that are important for you. A single encounter may even change your life 180.

But only those who are willing and are open enough can be an instrument of the universe in that sense. If you allow the information flow through yourself, you provide the information that the other person needs and if you keep your eyes wide open, you will realize the message that is provided to you. Each and every encounter lasts for a reason or a season or a lifetime. In certain cases messages are exchanged in five minutes, and people leave with the same speed as they approached your life. Whereas other people may surround us every day but fall short to deliver a message.

Sometimes its hard to let go people who became very closed friends in a short period of time. But this is the most normal thing in life. People come and people go. They bring a message to you and once it is delivered, they leave. You cannot do anything else than accept it. Well, sure you may cling on them and end up suffering. Both. the one who wishes to leave and the one who clings also. It is your decision whether you let go or suffer.

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