Sok bennem a kétely,
és kevés a bizalom
Fájdalmas múlt terhe nyomja lelkemet
Magas falat kell ledöntenie annak,
Ki a lelkem mélyét elérni akarja
Lehet, hogy hosszú utat kell megjárnod
Mire elnyered a bizalmam.
De hidd el, megéri a küzdelmet.
Ha számodra megnyitottam a szívemet,
Vigyázz rá, és ne csapj be.
Nem kérek sokat.
Csak annyit, hogy szeress,
és hagyd, hogy szerethesselek.
My heart is full of doubt,
and there is little confidence
Sorrowful past shadows my soul
The one who wants to reach the well of my soul,
Needs to pull down a high wall,
You may have a long way to crowl
Until you may gain my trust
But believe me, it's worth the fight.
If I opened my heart to you,
Take care of it, and do not deceive.
I'm not asking too much.
All you have to do is to love me,
and let me love you.
My heart is full of doubt,
and there is little confidence
Sorrowful past shadows my soul
The one who wants to reach the well of my soul,
Needs to pull down a high wall,
You may have a long way to crowl
Until you may gain my trust
But believe me, it's worth the fight.
If I opened my heart to you,
Take care of it, and do not deceive.
I'm not asking too much.
All you have to do is to love me,
and let me love you.