Apám annyiszor ígérte nekem
Mégsem tudta teljesíteni egyetlen kérésem.
Csak a poharat tegye le!
Azt az italt ne igya meg!
De az én kérésem, mintha meg se hallotta volna,
Újra és újra nyúlt a pohár után,
Míg meg sem ismert már engemet...
Ő engem sosem szeretett
Azóta tudom,
hogy egyik férfiban sem bízhatom
Bármit is mondhat, minden csak hazugság!
Hiába mondja, nem szeret!
Hogy is szerethetne engem?
Engem senki sem szerethet...
My father promised me so many times
But was never able to complete a single request.
Just put down the glass!
Don't take another sip!
But my request, he did not seem to hear,
Again and again reached for the cup
Since then, I know,
Men are not to be trusted
Whatever they say, it's all a lie!
Despite all the talk, he does not love me!
How on Earth could one love me?
If my father was not able to...
No one can really love me ...
But was never able to complete a single request.
Just put down the glass!
Don't take another sip!
But my request, he did not seem to hear,
Again and again reached for the cup
One after the other
Men are not to be trusted
Whatever they say, it's all a lie!
Despite all the talk, he does not love me!
How on Earth could one love me?
If my father was not able to...
No one can really love me ...
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