Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's always darkest before the dawn...

Something is deadly wrong. I feel like I'm dying inside...

I was so much energized, involved in many activities, planning on different things, organizing various trainings, doing this and that... But. How can it all disappear like that? Life can be mean...

In the darkest night is the sharpest the light of a small candle.

I guess you need to dig deep into the shit to be able to climb on the highest peaks afterwards. 

I rather explore both. I thought that it's enough to make a hard decision, but the road is still paved with stones. I am in the middle of heavy fog and don't know which way to go on, on which path I should put my feet first and start walking on. 

If i knew where this is all coming from, I could solve it. But this way there is no other option than to explore the feeling and let it all out... 

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