Thursday, April 2, 2020

Let’s do a SWOT

As we are forced to stop, it is a perfect time to do some reflection. A perfect place to start is to do a SWOT analysis, whether it is about your own business, the organization you work for, or your personal life. You may take the opportunity to tap into reflection mode, focusing on how the current situation is affecting your situation, your vision and what you consider your mission.

Companies and organizations write their mission and vision statements, to motivate their employees, stating the direction that management would like to see the organization going. In Africa I saw these statements painted on schools and even small shops. It was truly inspiring to see.

And from time to time organizations perform a SWOT analysis, to reflect on strength that can be utilized for new opportunities, to see where weaknesses exist, and what are the threats affecting the reality of the organization.
I used to consider that these kind of statements and analysis is something that needs to be ticked and doesn’t have too much added value, something that just needs to be done. But it is truly useful to stop at certain times and revisit your own personal vision, as well as your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

As the coronavirus forced so many of us in isolation, it also forced us to stop. We can no longer go on constantly acting from the masculine essence, as we are not allowed to leave the doors of our apartments, houses. We are forced to relax into the feminine essence. This is perfect opportunity to revisit where you are, what you want to achieve, how you wanna get there.

I would recommend you to review your situation, your life around the following questions:

What is your strength? What is it that you do very well, better than others? What is your advantage over others? What is it that you do better than others? What are your values? Be honest with yourself! And then think about your weaknesses. What are the weaknesses you tend to be blind to. What are you lacking? What are your opportunities? What openings are available for you for something positive to happen? What opportunities does it provide for you that you are currently forced to stay at home? What threats are around you? What is it that can negatively affect you that is completely outside of your control?

Once you have examined all four aspects of SWOT, you will likely be faced with a long list of potential actions to take. You may want to build on your strengths, boost your weaker areas, head off any threats, and exploit every opportunity. It may lead to revisiting your prior mission and vision statements.

When you take action after such detailed consideration, then it will be truly coming from your core, it will have power and not force, and will highly likely lead to better outcomes, then if you were simply responding to the situations.

Good luck with your reflections.

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