Monday, March 30, 2020

Manifesto to the Divine Masculine

Dear Divine Masculine, 

You should pull yourself together, as your Divine Feminine is stepping into her power. You are not allowed to mistreat her, or take her for granted anymore. She might have accepted scraps and crumbs of your attention, because she loved you, and bended over backwards for any little expression of love, care and connection. She used to be focused on her heart that whispered her about the deep soul connection between your souls. But now she sees that it is only a potential, and you have the free will to step into your power, or not. She made the commitment to herself and to the divine. She is rising up and above, and no longer accepts mistreatment. You are no longer on a pedestal in her eyes, she sees you as a mortal human being. She no longer puts you as first, before everything else. She loves herself first and foremost. And gives from her precious time and energy only to those who deserves it. She might love you and everyone else, but it is her duty to keep loving herself foremost. If you can meet her up on that level, great, if you cannot she will still love you, but from a distance. You need to step into your power too. And treat her the way she deserves to be treated, otherwise she fills her life with other people, who respect her and appreciate her power. If you do not meet up her on that level, you are totally disconnected and she will move on, not wait for you and keep her life on hold for you anymore. You may hurry up, or you may grief your loss. As she moves on, as she is stepping into her power. This is not only about personal needs, it is also about your divine mission. We need you to step up, or we move on. 

Divine Feminine

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