Monday, May 11, 2020

Actor's on the soul's stage - avagy kozmikus léprecsalás

There is a beautiful Hungarian expression, “kozmikus léprecsalás”, for which I didnt find a literal translation to English but would be closed to “cosmic fraud”, though it is not really bringing the real meaning. But I wanna talk about this cosmic energy that pulls people together for spiritual learning.

You may have experienced during your life that with certain people there is an unexplainable level of attraction that pulls you two together. Sometimes, as quickly as the attraction came, it also disappears, as if it were for the click of a switch. You may experience a strong infatuation that doesn’t die out until you merge completely, whether physically, emotionally or energetically. You are just drawn to that soul, as your souls planned on that encounter way before you got in physical proximity. You may experience numerous dejavus, feel as though you knew the person for long, as if for years, if not lifetimes. You share the deepest parts of your experience, your sorrow, your pain and your pleasure. And as the connection came, it disappears without any warning. Gone from a moment to the other, as if it had been a dream and not reality. Whereas it is totally real, and especially the learnings such an experience can bring will last with you forever.

I do believe that each and every encounter happens for a reason to teach you a specific lesson. There are times that this pull is extremely intense. There is a soul contract that plays out with the purpose to learn a lesson on a deep soul level for both involved. It is great if both people are aware and learn the lesson. But we cannot push the other person to see the lesson, we cannot teach them by explaining things or pushing them to learn along with us, they either face it or not. It is part of the free will for every human being to decide on their own experiences.

There is a divine play on the stage of our lives. People come and go. As the actors can be replaced. We tend to focus on the person in front of us, whereas what really matters is the lesson that our soul intended to learn through these encounters. If we focus on the inner meaning, instead of the outer circumstances, it is so much easier not to take things personally. To get out of the victim mentality. To surrender to the situations and go with the flow. That is an ultimate spiritual goal.

People come and go. One person leaves the stage to leave place for other people to get on stage. In order to focus on one person, we tend to be drawn to them with intense attraction. That’s the universe’s way to pull you in to teach you a lesson. Once the lesson is learned or you made a decision, the attraction evaporates, and you can let go of the connection completely.

Sometimes we might have imaginary pictures that go far beyond reality. And that’s to pull you to experience and learn. Through being emotionally touched, we can go deeper in our learning than we would without feelings being involved. People stay with you for different amount of time. It can be five minutes, five hours, five weeks, five years or five decades. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter, is the lesson. The actors are replaceable, nevertheless.

Everyone in the outer reality is just an actor to bring you experiences that contribute to the lesson your soul intended to learn in this lifetime. Whether you learn that lesson is up to you. Oftentimes we blame others for things they are doing to us. Whereas is was always us.

The actors could be blamed. But it is the soul who is directing their actions and words. Whatever we experience, it has been planned out by the soul, by our own soul. As such there is nothing we could blame anyone else for. It was always about us. Our choices. Our own journey. Our own learning. Others agreed to help our learning, in whichever way. Whether playing a nice role or an ugly one. They were just acting out the role we gave to them. Therefore, either blame or praise is not to be given to other people. They are only actors. As after a modern performance, it is the director who is getting the biggest applause.

This is really the way to claim back my life. No more victim mentality. I really own my own creation. I am the director of my life. And the actors might come and go. That is completely normal. Part of the game. And there is no blame.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

When I feel free of attachments

When I feel free of attachments, I am flowing freely, I am in an intuitive state and allow to go with the flow. 
When I feel free of attachments, everything feels completely natural
When I feel free of attachments, there is no control
When I feel free of attachments, there is only love and there is no fear
When I feel free of attachments, I am truly connected to source
When I feel free of attachments, I am totally myself
When I feel free of attachments, I am not controlling, I am flowing
When I feel free of attachments, I am sunbathing all day, and not sweating in the mud
When I feel free of attachments, I am not growing like the flower and releasing my scent to whoever is walking around
When I feel free of attachments, I am dancing to the sound of the music, that I wouldn’t even hear when I am working hard to get things done
When I feel free of attachments, I am totally and utterly myself, from my core, and not identified with my ego
When I feel free of attachments, I connect to source and I am one with the undivided one
When I feel free of attachments, any action comes from an intuitive source and not from an stressful energy of force
When I feel free of attachments, I am dancing on the music of life, and I become the music at the same time

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Let’s do a SWOT

As we are forced to stop, it is a perfect time to do some reflection. A perfect place to start is to do a SWOT analysis, whether it is about your own business, the organization you work for, or your personal life. You may take the opportunity to tap into reflection mode, focusing on how the current situation is affecting your situation, your vision and what you consider your mission.

Companies and organizations write their mission and vision statements, to motivate their employees, stating the direction that management would like to see the organization going. In Africa I saw these statements painted on schools and even small shops. It was truly inspiring to see.

And from time to time organizations perform a SWOT analysis, to reflect on strength that can be utilized for new opportunities, to see where weaknesses exist, and what are the threats affecting the reality of the organization.
I used to consider that these kind of statements and analysis is something that needs to be ticked and doesn’t have too much added value, something that just needs to be done. But it is truly useful to stop at certain times and revisit your own personal vision, as well as your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

As the coronavirus forced so many of us in isolation, it also forced us to stop. We can no longer go on constantly acting from the masculine essence, as we are not allowed to leave the doors of our apartments, houses. We are forced to relax into the feminine essence. This is perfect opportunity to revisit where you are, what you want to achieve, how you wanna get there.

I would recommend you to review your situation, your life around the following questions:

What is your strength? What is it that you do very well, better than others? What is your advantage over others? What is it that you do better than others? What are your values? Be honest with yourself! And then think about your weaknesses. What are the weaknesses you tend to be blind to. What are you lacking? What are your opportunities? What openings are available for you for something positive to happen? What opportunities does it provide for you that you are currently forced to stay at home? What threats are around you? What is it that can negatively affect you that is completely outside of your control?

Once you have examined all four aspects of SWOT, you will likely be faced with a long list of potential actions to take. You may want to build on your strengths, boost your weaker areas, head off any threats, and exploit every opportunity. It may lead to revisiting your prior mission and vision statements.

When you take action after such detailed consideration, then it will be truly coming from your core, it will have power and not force, and will highly likely lead to better outcomes, then if you were simply responding to the situations.

Good luck with your reflections.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Manifesto to the Divine Masculine

Dear Divine Masculine, 

You should pull yourself together, as your Divine Feminine is stepping into her power. You are not allowed to mistreat her, or take her for granted anymore. She might have accepted scraps and crumbs of your attention, because she loved you, and bended over backwards for any little expression of love, care and connection. She used to be focused on her heart that whispered her about the deep soul connection between your souls. But now she sees that it is only a potential, and you have the free will to step into your power, or not. She made the commitment to herself and to the divine. She is rising up and above, and no longer accepts mistreatment. You are no longer on a pedestal in her eyes, she sees you as a mortal human being. She no longer puts you as first, before everything else. She loves herself first and foremost. And gives from her precious time and energy only to those who deserves it. She might love you and everyone else, but it is her duty to keep loving herself foremost. If you can meet her up on that level, great, if you cannot she will still love you, but from a distance. You need to step into your power too. And treat her the way she deserves to be treated, otherwise she fills her life with other people, who respect her and appreciate her power. If you do not meet up her on that level, you are totally disconnected and she will move on, not wait for you and keep her life on hold for you anymore. You may hurry up, or you may grief your loss. As she moves on, as she is stepping into her power. This is not only about personal needs, it is also about your divine mission. We need you to step up, or we move on. 

Divine Feminine

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Face your fears

Fear might be devastating at times like this. 

Do you remember when you were a child, you were afraid about monsters appearing of your room at night? Now with adult head, you know that there is nothing to be afraid of in the darkness. But then it was a valid reality, and a devastating one. And your child might be afraid the same way. You wouldn't ridicule your child, to forget about his fear of darkness, and the monster appearing any moment. Neither would you force your child to face his deepest fear without any support. However, you may switch on the light, and make the child move step by step closer to the dark corner of the room, to realise that what he believed to be a monster, is but a small kitty. 

I invite you to face your fears. Let's take the torch and put on the light, targeted to where you heard the noise from. Let us see what is there in the corner. What are you afraid of? I can hear you responding "don't you know? Is it not obvious?" But no, it is not. Everyone has different fears, and have different conditioning, therefore we have different perception about situations. 

We tend to believe that there are limitless fears inside of us, and we tend to put them under the carpet. But I invite you to face your fears. Look them into the eye. When you start listing your fears, you may realize that there is but a definite number of fears. With time, they die out, and there is none more for you to list. 

When you go for a first date, you might think about the worst case scenario: he might be a serial killer. But most of us would have similarly ridiculous fears in our heads. Did it ever happen to you, that the guy you dated ended up being a serial killer? I believe not, otherwise you wouldn't be reading these lines. Our minds tend to run the worst case scenario as that's what fear shows. However, reality is always somewhere between best case ideal, and worst case fear. 

When you face your fears, you might see how ridiculous they can be. You might also realize it is not so devastating, and if the worst case happens, you might have escape routes ready, that would lead the outcome not as bad, as it might seem when you do not dare to look at your fear. 

Instead of allowing the devastating fears weighing you down, please face your fears. Some might be eliminated just by looking at it, some you might have the solution, for others you may wish to look for one. But only by looking your fear into the eye, can you face reality. 

Isolation is a perfect opportunity for self-reflection

People share different ideas about how to cope with lockdown and isolation. But it mostly focuses on exercises, things to learn, movies to watch. Basically ways to distract yourself, make your mind focus on something else, instead of accepting the situation and diving deep into it. That is only another way of filling up your mind with new things, instead of emptying it a bit. Running again, instead of stopping for a second. 

We have been living in a world of constant rush. You wake up for the alarm, rush with breakfast having a quick coffee, run to the office, quick chat with colleagues, then run for a meeting, from one meeting going to another, then take a quick lunch, but maybe have a working lunch or taking a bite at the computer to kill some emails that you couldn't attend to during the day, then continue with some more meetings, and work dinner, run home, take a quick bite, switch on the tv, have a quick shower and go to sleep. Just to continue running the next day the same way. Sounds familiar? Rush, rush, rush. Constantly on the go. No time to stop. And even when you stop, your mind is still on the go. It looks like never getting tired, always talking, always going. 

With being in lock-down, this constant rush is taken out of your reality. You are forced to stop. At least on the outside. You are not allowed to go out of your apartment. But did your mind stop? Or is it still on the go? Do you still have all the to-do-lists, schedules, fears that constantly occupy your mind? Maybe even during your sleep.  

You may use isolation to stop. Meditations are a great way to silence your mind. But when you are forced to stop, it is always a perfect opportunity to reflect. Take a closer look at where you are, what you do, what your choices were in life. I invite you to reflect about your life, your decisions in the past, where those lead you. Some reflection can lead to increased awareness of the self. One may also re-evaluate whether the decisions made years or decades ago are still valid, or some things should be changed. Are you aware of your values and principles? Were your decisions following those? 

Being in isolation, is a perfect time to stop and think about your life, your decisions. Self-reflection is such a powerful tool. You were forced to stop. Before we could move, look at your life, look at yourself. Reflect. See where you are. Only then will you be able to move on. And now you have all the time to look into yourself. Take it as a blessing in disguise, and use the opportunity for your benefit. 

Heaven or hell

Mother Nature is claiming her power everywhere. It seems to me as though the Earth would start to be divided into two different realities. Your reality was always derived from your perception, but with the recent events the difference is becoming more obvious. 

There are those who connect more to the One, experience and spread love to everyone around them. And those who are stressed and freaked out of all the events that are taking place in their closer or more distant surrounding. 
Heaven and hell... while experiencing the same situation outside of us... 

It is up to you, moment by moment, to make a decision whether you wanna experience heaven or hell. Whether you focus on love or you buy into fear. This decision makes all the difference. 

Are you joining heaven? Or you wanna go to hell?