Thursday, March 26, 2020

Face your fears

Fear might be devastating at times like this. 

Do you remember when you were a child, you were afraid about monsters appearing of your room at night? Now with adult head, you know that there is nothing to be afraid of in the darkness. But then it was a valid reality, and a devastating one. And your child might be afraid the same way. You wouldn't ridicule your child, to forget about his fear of darkness, and the monster appearing any moment. Neither would you force your child to face his deepest fear without any support. However, you may switch on the light, and make the child move step by step closer to the dark corner of the room, to realise that what he believed to be a monster, is but a small kitty. 

I invite you to face your fears. Let's take the torch and put on the light, targeted to where you heard the noise from. Let us see what is there in the corner. What are you afraid of? I can hear you responding "don't you know? Is it not obvious?" But no, it is not. Everyone has different fears, and have different conditioning, therefore we have different perception about situations. 

We tend to believe that there are limitless fears inside of us, and we tend to put them under the carpet. But I invite you to face your fears. Look them into the eye. When you start listing your fears, you may realize that there is but a definite number of fears. With time, they die out, and there is none more for you to list. 

When you go for a first date, you might think about the worst case scenario: he might be a serial killer. But most of us would have similarly ridiculous fears in our heads. Did it ever happen to you, that the guy you dated ended up being a serial killer? I believe not, otherwise you wouldn't be reading these lines. Our minds tend to run the worst case scenario as that's what fear shows. However, reality is always somewhere between best case ideal, and worst case fear. 

When you face your fears, you might see how ridiculous they can be. You might also realize it is not so devastating, and if the worst case happens, you might have escape routes ready, that would lead the outcome not as bad, as it might seem when you do not dare to look at your fear. 

Instead of allowing the devastating fears weighing you down, please face your fears. Some might be eliminated just by looking at it, some you might have the solution, for others you may wish to look for one. But only by looking your fear into the eye, can you face reality. 

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