Coelho mentioned two traditions that people willing to understand magic can follow: there is the Tradition of Sun and the Tradition of Moon (Brida). i need to admit that i do not take everything word by word what he says, but i accepted that something like this really exists. i like his style and i might come back to him several times.
In the nature Moon reflects the shine and wisdom of the Sun.
In the human world there are people who accept what other people tell them, it can be performed in various ways: religion, going to various schools, reading spiritual books, etc.
And there are a few people who rather go to nature, try to understand it, and dig deep into their soul in order to understand themselves and the world better.
Which is the better way? i dont say that there would be any better. there is no good or wrong path, there is only path. Everyone should find his/her own path. And if you find it, you should start going on it. you shouldnt forget to DO it!
whatever you are or do you can learn from that. it can be the Bible, a book from your favourite author, a friend.
The important is that if you find your path, start walking on it and then you will improve towards you need to go.
Guess which path is mine ;-)
Sun is shining to all the people, birds and woods. We reflect its shine in ourselves and reflect the wisdom of God in our soul. However, the Sun provides shadows as well, so that everyone has ups and downs. But in the end we will join the sunshine...
Yeah Cassiopeia, You are right. I am reading "Brida" these days, It compel you to think all over again. Everything written by Paulo seems true like anything. The Nature is the best teacher, you just have to allow it to teach you...
i read brida a few days back.. and it felt like a true story to me. aren't there things like the tradition of moon and sun? and coelho potrays witches in a good light? is it true?
i had a conception that witches are bad.
Hi deepshree,
I am a witch myself and I can assure you that our religion is anything but bad. We believe that the Divine is within and without creation. Through ancient rituals and practices we commune nature, the cycles of the moon, the sun and the land in order to get closer to the Divine. We also have only one rule and it states that a witch must never harm anything. This includes people, animals, the land and the self.
hi anonymous!!
i hav always wanted to be a witch...and after reading "brida" my faith & respect for ur religion has become stronger then before. i still want to become one of you and seek te meaning of my existence. to become one with the supreme power.but i am not able to find a path.....i do tarot n get visions but am not good at understanding them. am still wondering sa to where to start from and do not know whome to meet & what to look for!!!
any help frm ur side will be gr8....u can write to me on
hey miss anonymous witch i dont knw wether u will read this message or not but if u do then please tell me is it tru that everyone in this world has a gift and if really how am i supposed to what is my gift ,how will i knw that,i am no magician just a normal 19 year old just that i am curious about it,i dont want to die with out knowin this :) thats my email
Hello everyone!
I am reading 'Brida' these days and I am quite impressed by the concepts presented in it, especially the concept of soulmates.
I want to ask two questions:-
Q1. How can an ordinary person recognize his/her soulmate, if he/she comes in front of him/her?
Q2. Is it necessary that our soulmate is a male?
mail id:-
To deepshree:
I don't know how, but you know it. It's true what Coelho writes - a special glow in the eyes, but if you just let yourself to be guided by your heart, you know it. Your heart never lies. Sometimes you know it even before you really meet the person, just listen as your heart talks to you ;-)
people r attracted to anything dats tempting n new,dats it
hi..miss anonymous witch..I have been a fan of paulo coelho's writing and have read quite a few books.I would like to know if there are witches and guides here in mumbai in india..I would love be a part of the community and learn about witchcraft but i dont really know where i can do so..If you can help me with it i would be greatful..
well... i am now readind "Brida" and honestly i am trully impressed by it! To be honest I am not really aware of all what he writes but i am greately interested in learning more.... I am 17-year old girl... I may be too young for all these staff but i do have the feeling that it is as if i am obliged to learn more a more, so that I can understand my self, my world... if someone can give me a piece of advice so that I will know from where to start>> email >>>
hi..i've been reading "brida" and it enlightens my self..anyway, i only have one question, is it true that we can learn the tradition of the moon? or the tradition of the sun? and how would i know if i chose the right path to follow? i've made a decision to follow the tradition of the moon.. and i am still searching on what would happens next on my journey.. thanks for those of u who would reply.. here's my email:
i believe that you can learn from everything. the most simple thing on earth can teach people the unique thing that they have to learn at the very moment. for myself there were times when my master was the grass on the field, or the birds at the river. at other times i learnt from a simple game. at others from walking the camino.
people can learn from everything. you might learn from books, from masters or witches, from walking the camino...
it only depends on you which way you prefer and would like to go on. just because there is a nice book about the camino or the witches noone should start to walk on that path, in my belief. only if your heart tells you to do so.
your heart always tells you the right thing, it tells you who is your soulmate, it tells you which gifts you have, which job would be the one you could do with passion. it could be so easy...
but in our running modern life its hard to hear what it says. our ego became so strong that it determines what we can hear, what dreams and thoughts can come to our conscious mind.
try to listen to your heart. sit down, reflect, turn down the voice of your ego and listen to your deeper self. s/he knows everything you need...
and once you hear her/him dont forget to follow. sometimes its hard to do so. but lets give a go.
for anubhuti:
i realized several gifts as well. it happens. the only thing is that you should try to use those. God gave you his gifts so that you best utilize those. At the end of your life You shouldnt only give it back to him untouched, but fully utilized.
gift is something that comes easily, without real work and gives you the feeling that it is not really you doing it... you can use your gift to do something with passion, without realizing how time passes...
dont think of gift so that you could see the future or talk with spirits, etc. think of gift in the level of ordinary life as well.
you can be good in languages so that you never really worked hard for it. talking in a language or teaching other people can provide passion as well and can be the gift that was given to you.
I like what you wrote. I think you know more than I do so I would like to read something else you have written. I hope yo read this and share something else.
Good luck, bye :)
I have been reading a lot of stuff about witchcraft and the wiccan Tradition, not because someone has told me to do so but simply because of the feeling that i want to know more about it..
Somehow I feel there are signs in everything that I have been doing now a days to tell me that I should read more on the subject and I am simply following them..
I would be grateful if you could recommend me books which I could read on the subject..
Dear David,
Thank you very much for the compliments :)It was a pleasure to read it :)
Dear Kinjal,
Unfortunately I do not know much about writchcraft. But i know one thing for sure. when you are searching for a given book you might never succeed, but once you grow to read it, it will appear before you.
hello 2 every1...
i m a muslim at birth and had never gven much thought 2 any of this stuff before.
man! i didnt know this was a religion. m intrested in understanding bt dont know how 2 start.
ive always believd in magic as it is mentioned in quran bt believers of magic in tha 21st century...m still dizzy of the shock...
any1 who is generous enough 2 help cn reach me at:
Brida is d book dat attracted me while i ws goin thru d liabrary nd itz funny how all who hve comented here happen to hve read the same ! i dunno wht gift i have bt i believe that wen i read that stuff & i compared my diary in which i wrote my philosophy of lyf it matched upto 80% i dunno if all is mere coincidence or not plz help!
heloo everyone..i would like to share something with you all..i do agree and believe most of what is written in brida..but still i think that sould do not just doesn't make sense..if someone could give more light to my confusions i would be extremely grateful..
s.. says i have read brida and it effected my life to a great extend...
Hello Everyone....
I have finished Brida a while ago n now m reading The Witch of Portobello. Right from my childhood(m 24 now),I have had a keen inclination towards witchcraft...n reading Brida has all d more rekindled my interest. Can anyone please show me where to start...n how does one actually discover her 'Gift'...?
Hello everyone,
i have just finished reading 'Brida' and i really like what i have read...because i found myself(my personal life) in what i have read...but i don't know how to listen to my heart,how to distinguish my heart's words from my reason's words? I am 20 years old and i am afraid of not finding my soulmate,or if i have already met him but have not recoginised him...can you please help me?
hi every1....
In dese days am also reading... Paulo Coelho's Brida.. it zeemZZzz very intersting book 2 read. but let me tell u 1 thing... guys wat if. if i found ma soulemate is already married or engaged or wat if she is way much older than me... & am also supporting Gayatri's Q's as will b very geatful... if some 1 can give the answers.
Hi every1...!!1
In these days am also reading Paulo Coelho's Brida. it zeemZzzzz very interesting book 2 read... besides i think Mr Paulo has presenteed the witches almost in a diffrent way in the book. den talking about the soulmate.. according 2 the author.. every1 need 2 find their soulmate... so those who were already married.. those people who r in love with some 1 .. is they need 2 rethink.& s i must support Gayatri as well. thats a genuine question...
hiii,m reading brida these days,beautiful narated story about how love is the basic soul of question is if one can have multiple soul mates ,does that mean my soulmate's soulmate other than me, are my soulmate too?
also where can i find books on traditions of moon,really intrested in knowin about the tradition
@ Soumya
have you gotten over with the book?
If no then read it further and you would get the answer to your first question regarding the soulmates..
and to your second question well actually I am as well interested in the same...
@ Cassiopeia I guess you were right about the comment... things appear only when you are ready for them...
FOr those of you who are interested in learning the Tradition of the Moon, I can recommend the following books. However, always know that, even if you do not understand what's being described,(rituals, incantations etc...) DO NOT take it for granted! All spritual pursuits, should be undertaken with and given the, utmost respect.
Also, learning through revelation can be extremely fulfilling; however, when the student is ready, the teacher always appears. =)
Wicca: a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin
Peace & Love!
I jus finished reading Brida and I strongly believe that every person is born with some special gift. I m curious to know how can one find what gift he/she has. Will b really pleased if u answer.
I want to witness the ritual of witchcraft once please tel me if people are allowed to do so.
Peace to all u guuuuyyyzz, I've just finished reading Brida and searched 'tradition of the moon' to see what turned up - and here I am! I really connected with the story too, and was thinking about the 'gifts' idea. I don't know if this is a help to anyone but thinking about how we can recognise what they are, and how many we might each have... i've always been a very sensitive person, which used to feel a bit of a burden - i hated that little things could affect me so much, lift me up and drop me down in less time than it takes to write about it, dropping tears like autumn leaves etc. I'm only now beginning to realize that this sensitivity is a tremendous gift from the Almighty, which has manifested positively in different ways over the years. I think our gifts are more to do with an inner connection and as such can be developed and increased; taking my sensitivity, for example, at one time in my life it meant i could dance very fluidly and rhythmically, at another that I could balance five dinner plates on one arm and sashay through a crowded restaurant without dropping them, at another that I have been able to suss out the vybes in a classroom and manage situations compassionately and fairly, at another that i could astral plane effortlessly without any awareness of time and space as we ordinarily experience it. I can't necessarily do all of those things well at the same time, but feel that God gives me the key to the ones that I most need at any given moment - if I am in a receptive state of mind. Sometimes I sit and meditate on a beautiful sky, then I cook dinner (and it's amazing), or I give someone a massage (and they find it really healing), or I speak to a friend (and we have a spiritually enlightening conversation), or I sing something and it sounds (comparatively) fantastic... It's like certain rituals, certain thoughts, certain places, charge me up with energy, and then I can, in turn, manifest using that energy. It's about presence of mind, I believe, and Brida's first test from Magus is exactly that - to see if she can find the mental strength to deal with her fears and demons; transcending darkness to find light. I do think that some people are more in tune with certain energies/gifts than others, but feel that there are also many other contributing factors. Eating junk food, for example, definitely lowers my intuitive energies. For me, being holistic in your approach and aligning mind, body and soul is a fundamental, so that the simplest and most humble prayer is charged with the energy from the core of your being, and the energy you receive in return can be wholly absorbed and utilized. Hope that all makes sense and that I didn't go on for too long...
PS I read an amazing book about soul mates. if anyone's interested it's called: Only Love Is Real; A Story of Soulmates Reunited by Dr Brian Weiss. if you go on you should be able to read a free excerpt...Peace:-))
Hi, i am from India.
I want to learn Tradition of Sun and
Tradition of Moon.
Where can I find teacher/school in India?
What is wrong with you people?
HOw can you put God and witches in the same conversation. Really people.
Hi everyone, I'm a 14 year old girl from India...I've ALWAYS believed in magic and after reading Coelho's works my beliefs have strengthened. I've always felt there is magical power within me. I've tried manifesting it by visualizing 'energy' pouring out of me in a sort of ray towards the object I wanna affect. At times, I've been able to accomplish my desire. I want to hone and strengthen my powers. Is there any initiation path for me? If anyone knows ANYTHING, please tell me at :
I'd like to be a 'witch' as you call it...
my name is aadithya
i know and i have felt these gifts but its hard to explain..i can sense the thoughts and emotions of someone even before they express them and i am intutive and my heart feels light and heavy as though its trying to tell me something...
and i have dreams every night...and things i come across which i have already seen deja vu..dreamnt them before..and when i tell someone no one believes me..i do feel myself closer to god..i feel he listens..i sometimes feel someones presence..though i cant see anyone..and my heart feels much lighter after sharing this..and when he listens he does help..not that instant but he does..i hear a voice but my own..before i do something tells me something calms me down..makes me wise..its not a halucination..
I read Brida a week back,its truely a great book and since then the thoughts about reincarnation and soulmates has been running through my mind.Though i believe in reincarnation,i got to know about it from Bhagvat geetha,part of an Indian epic but i have many doubts on meeting the soul mates.How can an ordinary person recognize his/her soul mate? sometimes i get horrible dreams,what i observed was that those dreams were based on the things that i feared would happen during daytime.what does this mean?does dreams indicate things that would happen in future? I would b very greatfull to know the answers for my questions.
my email-
Hey Amber I really think you have captured everything in your post. It is a holistic attitude to life that you need and you will experience gifts when you need them and not at other times. Spirituality and connecting with the natural world and order of things in he universe is connected to the lfestyle you choose. You do need to remain well in all areas of your life including the work that you choose to do the diet you have. However we are human beings and we all make mistakes and the one thing that stood out to me when I read 'Brida' was about the need to take risks and make mistakes to learn about yourself. I think we like to think of ourselves as wiser as we get older so start to make considered balanced decisions. I find that I soak up other peoples auras and energies too and this affects me and makes me feel disconnected spiritually and intuitively. I've recently been very impulsive and have been in a position to be able to let my gut feeling guide me rather than do what I feel I should do. This has proven invaluable.B
I just finished reading Brida and was really amazed by the things said in it. I was searching for a book like this for a long time and finally found it few days back.While reading the book it felt like it was meant for me and i could relate to Brida many a times.
i remember a line from the book which goes like "I am afraid of death but more afraid of wasting my life" which is so true fr me atleast. And yet so many times i find myself running away from my dreams as i lack the courage of standing up for them.
I just thought it would be great if i could get a teacher like Wicca or The Magus who could help me to understand myself more and choose the right path. One who will guide me and atleast encourage me to have faith during the dark night.
to anonymous witch, i would love to know about witchcraft and their lives and powers. so if it is not a problem and if u ever read this plz email me at
Hi..... Am currently reading brida. Its completely amazing. and the story is like brida is a part of mine. Am completing my education. N evry time i think why a had taken birt? Who i am? What is my gift n what path i should choose? Because i do love reading books n i love being with nature in nature too.Can u please help me
Introducing myself, I am Roshni Punjabi from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
I am a 24 years old inquisitive wanderer that has been shifting to one city from another and searching the actual purpose that would make me content.
This is a generic question to everyone who has these kinds of questions like the ones stated above
Did you get any answers to your questions? Is there any trustworthy person or place who can teach us the true knowledge of these things? I am trying to gather ancient books or texts on these subjects but am still a long way far as I do not know the exact people or place from where to start.
Did you people get any material to refer to or have you left the search?
I have come across one Book Of Soyga and want to know if any of you have hear about it or gone through it and if you would be able to guide me on it. These are my first steps on this journey that I plan to take up.
It would be great if you could spare some time to revert
Thanks & Regards,
Roshni Punjabi
in search of a teacher...
@Anonymous... Read a lot of literature.. The meaning your inner self derives from the books would be much greater than a teacher who would first need to know you to help you know yourself.. Refer to some material and follow your inner thoughts and omens... All the best... Ciao
I've read The Alchemist, Warrior of the Light, Vernoika decides to Die, By the River Piedra I sat and wept, Eleven minutes,The Zahir, The Valkeries, The Pilgirmage, The Devil and Miss prym, The fifth mountain, The witch of portobello, and now Brida. With each book I read my mind set has changed so much. I've even started referring to the creator as the great mother because even before I read one of his books it always crossed my mind how can God not be a woman? Each book makes me want to get closer to nature take my own pilgrimage, know my guardian angel be able to put the other away completely, and yes after reading brida I know you can learn the traditions of the sun on your own but you eventually need a teacher. I really really want to learn both traditions, one day take my own pilgrimage, but I don't know where to start, I don't have the money to travel to these places and talk to locals and figure it out on my own. I know I was meant for more and I want to know what my mission here is what my personal legend is. I want to learn about magic. If its possible maybe you could contact me and we could talk more about it..... I would really like to meet you... My email is I hope you see this
I'm a big fan of Wicca..☺
I'm in search of a teacher who would teach me Tradition of the moon. Are there any such socities in south India? I'd love to join..
hi everyone , brida is one of the best books i have read and i really want to know how to follow these paths , this tradition etc can anyone help please ?
and please send me these ways at
Who is a witch?
I want to become a witch . Can u help me
Reply me
Wait no what?!?!?
Did this explain what does the tradition of moon and sun mean? I cudnt really understand...
Wait no what?!?!?
Did this explain what does the tradition of moon and sun mean? I cudnt really understand...
Me too. I want to find a teacher who can guide me.i jave been interested in the world of magic, energies, vibrations and higher beings as far as i cam remember. It would be such a dream to find a teacher who can guide and teach me more regarding these beautiful gifts.
Please send me an email
Hi there I have this problem
I ve seen many girls and always looked them in the eye to fin my soul mate but
The only girl that I felt it in her and saw the glide of her eyes is 15 years older than me😭😭😭
So once I asked her out and that hours I felt all the greatness 9f the universe now itz a year after that and I TRY TO MOVE ON
Im not a sentimental guy but I steel try to move on to find another soulmate of mine
But I cant whenever I see any girl I feel coldness about her and I want my old soulmate
So thats the only and little pain of finding a wrong soulmate of you
Im sorry that I wrote too much
Hope everyone find the right one
Hi! Someone from Czech or Slovak republic who would like to meet a discover the witchcraft together? :D email me
Witches aren't specifically good or bad. Some are good and some are bad it's the choices not the abilities that prove what we are. Most witches are kind and just peaceful nature worshippers
I have multiple gifts and I'm struggling .I'm just opening up now
Are you a Teacher too? I want to learn about magic too.
Have you read ' An ABC of Witchcraft: Past and Present' by Doreen Valiente? I could not stop myself from suggesting this book. The writer herself was a reputed witch. If you read this book you'll get thousands of other recommendations within it.
I read Brida a few days before and it has made me feel so similar to her. I have always felt that I am a little different than the others eg i have a strong intuition, i am VERY connected to nature and i see dreams that seem real. I really wanna deepen in the tradition of moon or sun but i do not now where to start from Does anybody knows how to start in order to be just like brida? This is what I always wanted to achieve.
How do I interpret what am seeing? How can I help myself to unlock the gift I possess?
Im reading Brida rn, its my second time, and I really want to learn something more and connected with people who shares same interest in that stuff. So if anyone can give me an advice on how to begin, and what to read, or tell me personal experience, this is my email:
Btw, I read few more Coelho's books that are similar to Brida, he's such a good writer! :)
Hi, I want to learn about magic i would like to understand what it is if you are willing to be my teacher and make me understand, I would be waiting for you reply
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