Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Welcome to the dawn of the new earth

I am currently in Indonesia, working from home as advised by my organisation. I am not worried about the situation, considering the virus and that affecting my health, whereas I see it clearly that the current events are changing our lives drastically. Governments request their citizens to return back home, hospitals are overwhelmed, currencies are devaluating, companies close down, and small business go bankrupt. And that is only the beginning. 
The optimistic ones talk about how lockdowns are leading towards the earth healing itself. Scientists and activists were urging for decades for reduction of transportation and pollution to mitigate the effects of climate change. Funnily, what we humans couldn't consciously decide for, now a virus is assisting to achieve. Even countries whose leaders claimed that climate change is not real, are now contributing to some positive factors towards the earth healing itself. In Jakarta you can see the blue sky, instead of biting the pollution on a Friday afternoon. 
I sense that the changes coming go way beyond the healing effects. Our lives will be changing completely after this. And not only because of the economic consequences of lockdowns and expected reduction of tourism in the coming years. It's more like the old way is destroyed to the very last bricks, the tower is thorn into pieces, and once the old is completely destroyed, we can build a new reality, that can be based on real human values. It will be such a blessing for the universe. 
It is already a blessing. In our small apartment community, people are already getting closer. Even last week I seldom saw people in the common places, neighbours would hardly greet each other, not to mention starting up a conversation. Then over the weekend the governor encouraged companies to introduce working-from-home policies in the capital, and those living in our apartment building, were put in self-quarantine. These measures were taken much later than in other locations, but already in few days, one may see the positive consequences. In this little place of an apartment building, communities are being built, even if small ones, but people are talking to each other already more than before. And this is only the start, it will only continue more. 
Communities might become the new norm. Instead of herd mentality, and everyone ensuring individual needs being met, we can see humanity showing its face. People already started caring for each other, and good fellowship might become the new norm. 
Instead of top-down approach, eventually we may see bottom-up initiatives, that would reflect more accurately the needs and realities of our society. Instead of following hierarchy, expertise might take over the lead. We need to respect authority and rules that make sense that you can identify with, instead of rebelling and looking for instant gratification, we might reach true freedom. Technology when used smartly, instead of distracting from reality, might be a medium to spread knowledge and bring people with common interest closer together. 
This is only the start. But it will be considered as the start of a new era. We are at the dawn of the new earth, a blessed new time... And it's freaking exciting to be part of such a historical event. To live this through. We are blessed to be living on earth in such a turning point. 
I am not saying it will be easy. It might be difficult. Our world is being destroyed, it's trembling down. And the more you can let go of the old paradigm and adapt to new realities, the more flexible you can be to accept new ways, the easier it will be for you to start the new day. 
We are entering a new era in the history of our times. We are reaching the dawn of the new earth. A blessed new time. It is unknown, it is something completely new waiting for us, and we cannot even comprehend now how new it is. But there is light. If we can rely on the divine, surrender and go with the flow, it will be only easier. 

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