Friday, December 19, 2008

orange girl

everything is stored up inside you somewhere.

there is such a thing as personal space. do you respect that of others?

He, who never lives for the moment, never lives. so what of you?

you should never be afraid to speakyour mind.

dont buy everything people tell to you. save some criticism inside.

i could no longer tell what was imagination and what was reality; perhaps the borderline between them didnt exist anymore.

what is a person? are we nothing but dust that is whipped up and spread to the winds?
what is this great fairytale we live in and which each of us is only permitted to experience for such a short time?

The physical development of human beings necessarily had to precede the psychological.

wasnt the world just one enormous fairytale?

There is so very much we leave behind.we all live in one great fairytale that nobody understands.

If you had the choice as stardust would you have chosen to live a life on earth at some point. or would you have refused tojoin in the game because you didnt like the rules? In choosing to live, you also choose to die.

If i'd chosen never to set foot inside the great fairytale, i'd never have known what i'd lost.

When the head is full of weighty thoughts, you can either say a few words or keep silent.
We are all each others illusions and angels.

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