Monday, November 24, 2008

and winter arrived

a few days ago fall just came to hungary and now everyone is freezing and its snowing in the dark out there. it was only three weeks from now that leaves started to turn yellow, last week they were brown already, and now there is almost nothing on the trees.
this is how we change our skin during the years as well. you start growing like the seeds in springtime, then you flower in your summer but then you turn grey and old and you leave nothing more then ashes behind when your winter has come.
you think that the summer lasts forever but it is never so. winter takes away all the life from the trees. sometimes the change comes smoothly and winter comes step by step. but it might come suddenly as in this year. in october i was walking in a shirt, and i just took my leather jacket last week. before i wore really thin jacket, but now i cannot do without winter jacket.

you think you have all your life before you, but one day death comes and knocks on your door. it might be even tomorrow, or 20-60 years later. you cannot be prepared for that. it might come at any moment, like winter came all of a sudden. if it comes today what would you say? could you finish off your life right away? would you be able to leave the earth without missing something important? did you enjoy every moment of your life? did you grab every moment? did you fulfil your dreams? were you able to feel real joy and give joy to someone else?

there is beauty in the winter as well. especially in the one i had in sweden.
once you leave earth, there is beauty as well, i know. but you have a reason to be on earth for. do you fulfil your purpose of living?

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