Saturday, November 15, 2008


The other day i had dinner with some foreigners (i got in connection with expats living in budapest). One visitor of them is vet now but i realized that her previous working place was much worse. She admitted and her face told even more then her words. She used to work at a slaughter-house. Just imagine how nice it might be. she hardly did enjoy working there, obviously. And being a vet at a clinic now was such a good change for her, now she is really doing what she likes. And you can see on her face that it is really something that fills her soul with passion and love. This is the way every one of us should perform his work or should choose a work that provides it.

I had an association right in that moment when i heard about the slaughter-house.
My working place is really like a slaughter-house. we, employees are the pigs who always just get more fat /fatter??/ as the pigs are closed in a small place, cannot go out to the courtyard and so cannot run as much as would need to in order to stay fit. When the sheep was shorn well it will be killed down at the slaughter-house.
On the other hand we are just like slaves who just have to do what the master tells them to. and is not allowed to do anything else just fulfill the orders.
Employees of a multinational company are like woods and the company just wants to warm them up. The wood gives energy in form of light and heat but once it gave all that it can provide, what remains are only ashes which are taken to the bin. Once you are burnt down the company doesnt need you any longer.

And you know what? The very next day I just had to work in the meat industry including slaughter-houses.

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