Saturday, August 23, 2008

Harmony of the nature

One day i was walking along the lakeside, looking about the water and the sky.

Then i caught sight of a peaceful little meadow.

A real symphony appealed to me: crickets provided the violin, fogs were drummers and birds the vocals.

The whole screen was full of harmony, it was just the real harmony of nature.

But then an idea came: why cannot we, humans be in such a harmony with ourselves??

And i received a yet simple answer. unlike in the society, in nature no single species ever try to do anything else then what they are good at: birds will never dig into the water and swim, just as you will never see a fish flying in the sky.

Would it be really so easy? You should only do what you have talent in. Then you will feel pleasure instead of pain and the world would be much more peaceful and calm. But then why dont we do so? Why are there so many people doing something completely different then what they like and what they are good at?

And what more: how do i dare to say a word when i am a good example, too.

But soon, soon...

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