Thursday, August 7, 2008

The work you fulfil with passion will bring you pleasure

I found a question which made me think deeply. Well, these are the thoughts that usually run my mind nowadays. This was some kind of miracle that i found this question, which appeared to be a sign for me.

Which kind of work brings you pleasure?

It is easy: The work you fulfil with passion that will bring you pleasure.
But there are much more.

If it happens to be the case one can hardly say it is really work, then your hobby becomes your job, for which you receive salary and continuous joy. This is one of the best thing which can happen, if you deal with something pleasurable in most of your days. As we need to admit that people spend most of their time in the working place, so we should really choose well, so that 8 or even more hours out of 24 a day should be spent with joy and pleasure. If only everyone would work in a field that gave him pleasure , this world would be so much better, happier.

Answerers took their own example that brings them pleasure and joy. that is already great, they recognised what brings them pleasure, even if they do not work in the same field, this is the first step. a lot of people is even before this stage, just feel that there is something wrong.

Some said that it is the need that drives to the destination. Is it really so? That is your ego which always creates your needs. And always more and more needs. First just a flat, then a house, a car, and one other for your spouse, and where is the end? There is no end. That is what brings to the consumer society we are living in.
Due to these needs you may stay at a working place where you earn the money that your family requires to remain at a standard of living, but that may not bring you any joy and after a time you start to suffer.

"Being appreciated by others brings joy". Isn't that ego as well? Instead of doing what you, yourself would like to, you stay at a place because your parents, your family, your friends appreciate you, if you are in a good position.

Others admitted that it is just hard to find pleasure in their work. That is the sign that you are not doing what you should. If you feel bored and tired of sitting in a working place then it is not your place. You should change.

I think the one asking this question wanted to get to this point. Make people realise whether (i) how good it is that they do what they like (i suppose it is the minority) or (ii) that something is wrong (the majority).

And now it is upto you to decide: (i) Suffer for the next couple of years of your life or (ii) change, quit and do what makes you happy, even if others think that you are crazy to quit a good job you have now.

You are the only one who suffers and feels pain instead of pleasure. So the decision is upto you and not others.

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