Sunday, August 10, 2008

How to find a pleasurable job?

I found a really interesting post for the previous question. It gives some additional thoughts to those that i submitted previously:

Thanks for this opportunity. I am Aeronautical Engineer and working in Maintenance of Helicopters and Airplanes what makes me so happy that I could work without any payment. I am Lucky to have studied want I really wanted. So what really makes me happy ist to make safer the flight, not to hear from a accident in my repaired airplanes and to teach the other people that work with me or hear to my seminars, how to do the job without mistakes and have open eyes to see problems before they occure, to listen themselves when they hear an intern voice that says, please watch that part and verify its good funtioning, I don´t no how, but I think somebody is always behind us telling us things we don´t see with our eyes, but with our felling. It has occured us many times, so in my case I think it´s God or my died Father behind.

I´m very glad and understand a lot of people that work in jobs that don´t have fun in big companys. We live 80 % of our life in the work, so happiness can be found easier if our work makes us happy. Look for it !!! We say: Who doesn´t seek for, don´t find.

I think a lot of people only want to find a job that makes them happy at once. But the best job of our life is that job that we ourselves do or generate. That means, and is my experience in 35 year of work, that: If you love butterflies and want to live and work with it, don´t only look for a job, or a company that can give you a job for it, NO… MAKE YOUR JOB !!! You can say, “Yes so easy ” This guy do not live the reality. But I will teach you how , HOW I DID IT !!! And it works !!!
Be patient.

First: Look for what you Really want, that should be very, very , clear. So exact as possible.Your dream. And say: I CAN DO IT!! For all your life. If not clear don´t start.

Second: Look for how much time you can wait to make it real. If you have less than 1 year : Forget it !! Don´t continue.

Third: You should have the possibility to survive other way from - a Job or Father, Husband,Wife, Friend, Bank Account , etc, for the total time it takes to reach your goal.

Fourth: Put in your mind, that YOUR DREAM JOB must produce money to live from and the only way to survive from your own job, is to make money that comes only from people that likes , needs and appreciate your job. They will pay for it.

Fifth: That your new job is like a pretty person you want to have as your Girl- or Boyfriend, that takes time and ideas and interest and wiliness until she ( he) says YES !! And that takes TIME !!!
But like that, you work all the time in that idea, talking to the people about it, and comparing what would the people pay for you, if you would do something for example with Butterflies !!
Try ideas you can make : Example- Making photos about Butterflies- and hundreds of ideas around it.

Then comes the most important part of this instruction:
Write, Call, Talk, with people, companys, offices, familys or any other related with your future job ( if more better ), until you find only 1 ( one ) YES !! Only 1 interested. And do your best to give them something special nobody can offer like you. Then look for more interested, this time can take you 1 to 4 years, that is why you need TIME !!! But your product should be easy to you to produce (assemble, copie, write, finish, cook, cut, remix, fill, paste, record,save ) and sell and in big quantities. AND GOOD !!! For Example a Relax CD with Butterflies photos, And that the people after buying one should need more, not only a luxury. Then you have to register your company. Make your Web Site.

After 4 years everybody knows you by name and you will have enough clients that they will call you like a friend asking for your product, you will not need to sell any more, they will call you daily and you can start partially living from YOUR JOB, and your clients will act like a very good smell, everyone who likes it will refer you to a new client( company or industry) and after 10 years you will have a big own company doing that exactly : Your own JOB.Working 100 % with it.

Clients will: NEED you and call daily for your product, from all the world !!! USE INTERNET !!!
If 100 clients pay you only 1 US$ daily, you will have in 20 days : 2.000 US$. and 1 US$ is nothing !!!

You have done from people that before didn´t needed your product, to clients that can´t live without it. Your created a necessity where it was nothing.Really NOTHING.

Example: The Big Cola Drink Companys. That is only a common ordinary, easy drink and they worked selling it from person to person (years) until you can`t live without it.

Hope a lot of people find their pleasure Job this way.
Glad to help you and give you my experience,
Jorge Alfonzo, Venezuela

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