Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mosquitos at the lakeside

A woman is sitting at the lakeside.
And a man besides her.
They are both staring at the sky,
looking up at the stars and the shiny mooon.
The face of the lake hardly waves,
it mirrors all the trees in the opposite side.
Even some stars can be seen twice.
Birds and crickets provide the symphony of the night.
Everything is given to have a lovely, romantic time.

Anyway, something is missing.

And mosquitos come, and disturb both the woman and the man.
As a result they are not able to enjoy the beautiful night any longer.
All the romance has gone with the hundreds of bites.

Anyway, something is missing.

But why does it have to be this way?
It reminds us that even if everything is given to you,
something wrong might come at any time.
But still we should enjoy each and every moment,
even if there is something wrong.

Anyway, something is missing.

The man and the woman stand up and start walking back home.
Even though they were not able to enjoy every moment
of the time spent at the lakeside,
they will remember those few moments.
At least for a while.

When they are far from the lake,
they might not even remember the other.
But those little bites still remain
and reminds them of the time, those lovely few moments.

Sometimes really few is enough for lot of joy.
A little flower can bring you all the happiness in the world.
Even if it twinges you. A flower can bring to you the whole world.

There are moments which remain memorable.
They do not need to be whole or finished.
It is enough to have only what was given.
It gave you something,
the thing that you required in that given moment.
You bring even those memories with you in your soul,
even if something is missing.

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